The program cost is $150 for the first month and $100 per month thereafter.
Purchasing LAPWARE grants you 24/7 access for 30 days via the Internet. Included in your purchase are downloadable files and reference materials to help you prepare for your license exam. These files would cost hundreds of dollars separately, and are available to you at no extra cost. Maritime schools purchasing LAPWARE for 20 or more students to use on a yearly basis will receive an excellent discount. Please contact the authors for a price quote.
By purchasing LAPWARE, you agree to the license agreement.

A mariner seeking an original national endorsement, increase in scope, or raise in grade based on training or service started on or after March 24, 2014, will be examined under the requirements of the final rule published by the Coast Guard on December 24, 2013 (78 FR 77796).
$100.00 per month, and $50.00 setup fee. Purchase your next 31 days of usage as desired – as long as it is within 12 months of your last purchase. After that, all files and access to LAPWARE ( are deleted.